First of all, I want to tell you how much I LOVE your products. I have seen many children with poor handwriting improve with just a few of the lessons you have in callirobics. It DOES work, and I'm the first to tell ANYONE about your awesome program. I just mentioned your wonderful program on Facebook to a Hyperlexia group. People are excited to try it!!
-Gin, Special Education teacher 2nd grade, Louisville, KY
One day the school speech and language pathologist came to me and told me that when observing third graders who had begun learning cursive, she could tell the difference between the students who had participated using Callirobics as second graders and those who had not. The third graders demonstrated ease and confidence when they were asked to form cursive letters.
-Melissa, special education teacher, Wisconsin
Thank you for developing the Callirobics program. I first heard about it from an occupational therapist. My former principal purchased the program for the class and the response was extremely favorable (as evidenced by the letters).
-Amy, a teacher from Orlando, FL
My husband wrote a letter to each of our sons for the first time in years, which they were able to read easily.
-Rose, Wife of a Parkinson's Patient
Callirobics is wonderful. I especially liked the music. My writing has improved a lot. At a scale of 1 to 5 before I started Callirobics, it was at 2, and after I finished it, it was at 5. I think you can keep doing Callirobics. I think if people hum during the music it is fine, but in my class they got carried away and hummed too loud and then I couldn’t hear the interesting music. So you might want to think about not telling them they can hum if they want.
-Elizabeth, Student
Handwriting Sample

I think you should keep going with Callirobics. It helped me not a lot but not too little either. It helped me just right amount so I will do your next tape.
-Kristina, Student
I really like Callirobics very much. My teacher has Pen Club. That means if you have nice handwriting you go in it and I’m in it! I want to know how you got or come up with Callirobics.
-Nicole, Student
James could only write hand over hand in October, now he is able to write on his own!
-Kelly, an OTR from Greece, NY
Callirobics is a wonderful idea and we love it!
-Bobbie, age 10
I love Callirobics! How did you start your company? It’s so brilliant! It’s so cool!
-Jose, Student
Handwriting Sample

I can close my circles.
-C. Progory, Stroke Survivor
The program made a tremendous difference in the students' self-esteem and academic standings.
-W.T. Lewis, Principal, Charlottesville HS (VA)

Handwriting Sample

The children loved it! It was the only time in the classroom when there was complete quiet.
-H. Jones, Classroom Parent Volunteer
I noticed that every kid could concentrate on the tasks and seemed exceptionally motivated to continue.
-H. Whitney, 3rd Grade Teacher, Toronto, Canada
Kara's Handwriting Sample

Michael's Handwriting Sample

Justine's Handwriting Sample