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What is Callirobics®?

Callirobics (CALLIgraphy and aeROBICS) are a unique concept in handwriting exercises. They consist of repetitive simple writing patterns (straight and curved lines) set to music. The music relaxes the participants and adds rhythm to their exercises. With music the exercises become fun instead of tedious penmanship chore. Music also benefits participants who learn better through auditory, instead of visual means.

Each exercise takes about 2 minutes. We recommend to repeat it daily for a week.

Who Can Benefit?

Callirobics programs are an ideal aid for home-schooling, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, special education professionals, activity directors and parents.


If you have any questions or comments,
please e-mail us at

How Does It Work?

By consistent practice of simple patterns (straight and curved lines), you can train your hand to perform basic elements of writing movements, and train your eye to focus on details. The accompanying music helps you get better rhythm and flow in the writing.

How Can Practicing Shapes Instead of Letters Improve Handwriting?

Children as well as adults who experience difficulty in writing letters usually do not have problems with drawing shapes. Yet drawing these shapes trains the hand to perform the same basic movements of handwriting but without the frustration of practicing letters. The exercises improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and handwriting.

Callirobics Programs Offer:

  • Better hand-eye coordination

  • Fine motor skills

  • Building visual perceptual motor skills

  • Multi-sensory activity

  • Fluent writing movement

  • Self-discipline, self-esteem and better work habits

  • Creative and fun approach to practicing handwriting

Callirobics Programs Offer:

  • Pre-Schools & Elementary Schools

  • Junior High & High Schools:
    Remedial Programs, Special Education, or Self-pace Programs

  • Home Schooling

  • Adult Education Centers

  • Senior Citizens Centers

  • Nursing Homes

  • Rehabilitation Centers

© 2021 by PIMM-USA. Proudly created for Callirobics®.

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